

"Our staff saw much value in the NELP program and appreciated Kate’s approach, her knowledge and her professionalism.”

— Tina Phelps, Principal

"It was clear that Beatriz had gone above and beyond to adapt the program for the community that we serve. She was encouraging to participants to share their diverse experiences and gave ample room for people to be heard."

— Coordinator for Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood House

"Fantastic workshop! I can utilize this information we learned professionally and personally!”

— Counsellor

“This was the most helpful parenting resource I have ever received. So valuable for me in understanding my own trauma and also learning about my kids’ emotions. I am so thankful for this opportunity. I always leave the workshop feeling so empowered and hopeful.”  

— Single mother

I have grown so much as a person and mom because of NELP. I understand a lot more about myself and how my parents affected me. I have learned how to forgive and resolve issues so I can move on with my life. I am a better mom because I can deal with my emotions and my kids better, too.

- Parent

Before I joined NELP, I was new in Mission and had no friends. Now I can talk to other moms in my support group and Kate. I have learned to have power over my emotions. I am not perfect, but I know how to change and be a better person and mom. I know that I can make mistakes, but I learned to forgive myself and keep trying. Kate taught me how to work with teachers to get help for my son who has alot of issues.

- Parent

I am so lucky to enroll in NELP program and I have been with the program for the past 3 years. I can't stress enough about the benefits that I have received from NELP, and I have to say that this program has transformed me to a new person.

- Parent


Dr. Patten is better than Science World! I’m going going to be a neuroscientist when I grow up!

  • Kindergarten student to her parent

I have taken this class in 2019 before the return and it was superior to many other programs.

- Single Mother

“Understand my emotions and know how to deal with them in times of great stress was fundamental for my well-being, especially during this pandemic.”

- Parent

“I want to thank and congratulate the initiative of the workshop. It was a wonderful experience, and I can see clearly how it positively changed my life. The thing I liked most about the workshops was Beatriz's human and welcoming approach, in addition to the practical examples.”

-Single Parent

“The workshop exceeded my expectations, be it for the content presented, or for the competence, delicacy and welcome of Beatriz Araújo. I have already recommended it to several people. Great. Congratulations!”

- Professor

“Beatriz is a wonderful cutie, and the knowledge about the parts of the brain, and how they work, were the highlights of the workshop. I was also interested on delayed gratification and how the neocortex only finished forming around the 20s, that explains a lot. Congratulations on this wonderful job you are doing for professionals and parents around the whole world. Understanding how emotions work makes it much easier to know how to react with others and with ourselves. Thank you!”

- Teacher